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It is good sportsmanship to shake hands with y...
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My second year as Manager of the Mission Bay Tennis Club Caro Bowl team has been loads of fun.  The added bonus this year is that my Business Coaching Company myemedia is naming rights sponsor. The background is that Caro Bowl Tennis is NZ’s top tennis league which can often attract overseas players to NZ for this 8 week competition.

I have been delighted the way the myemedia Caro Bowl team have formed a special team chemistry again this year, such a delight to lead this group of awesome talented female players.  The biggest satisfaction is the culture.  We talk about how we can not always control the result, we can only control the way we perform on court.  So if we give it all and try our best then I am content.  Of course we aim to win but that is the outcome of the first part, not the sole focus.

Last year our key message was ‘believe anything is possible’ which was such a delight to end the season  hearing how this affected some of our junior tennis hearts and minds.

So take a moment now to ask yourself what you value in life.  Do you live the values and priorities that are important  in your life?  Do you value family yet work such long hours you do not see them?

Life is the collection of many moments.  Live each moment like is could be your last.  Enjoy the journey of ups and down.  You are the one in control, you can control how you play the game of life, not always the results!  Play to win but enjoy the ride and the journey as it unfolds.

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